International Relations

Charting a course towards international stability.  

Our Expert's International Relations section is dedicated to the delivery of strategic insight and the elaboration of sustainable policy solutions focusing on international affairs and foreign policy. Academics, policy experts and decision-makers from all around the world share their viewpoints and researches on a plethora of IR-related thematic concentrations. Among these include, just to mention a few, neo-realism, neo-liberalism, the postmodernist school, feminism in IR, international Marxism, international terrorism, IR history and the Great Debates.


Travis Washington

We are two months into the Biden administration, on the heals of a Trump administration that saw its first month in office include the signing of Executive Order 13769 -…

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Syed Mubashar Ali Shah Rizvi

As George Bush began his second term in office, he declared, “The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world.” Bush’s words…

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Zissis Marmarelis

On July 15, 2016, a failed coup in Turkey allowed President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to take drastic measures in consolidating his power. Over 77,000 citizens, including judges, teachers, and journalists…

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Top Authors

Travis Washington

Travis Washington

Number of posts: 1
Jamyan Koo

Jamyan Koo

Number of posts: 1
Jenny Poon

Jenny Poon

Number of posts: 1
Ali Dizboni

Ali Dizboni

Number of posts: 1
Richard Coughlin

Richard Coughlin

Number of posts: 1
Chietigj Bajpaee

Chietigj Bajpaee

Number of posts: 1
Amya Agarwal

Amya Agarwal

Number of posts: 1
Manuela Lavinas Picq

Manuela Lavinas Picq

Number of posts: 1
Katelyn Jones

Katelyn Jones

Number of posts: 1
Ralph Pettman

Ralph Pettman

Number of posts: 1

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