Russia & Eurasia

Your daily dose of Eurasian affairs.

Our News' Russia and Eurasia section covers the day-to-day international affairs reportage of a market worth more than $6 billion; of a population of 263 million; of 6 different nations and their respective governments. All of this is possible through fast, innovative and decentralized journalism, enabling us to connect professional and amateur writers alike with a vast and global audience.

Zakirov Bekzod

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have produced huge impacts on our lives thanks to the breakthroughs in data, algorithms, and computing power. The rapid technological changes have set the stage for…

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Ali Mammadov

Background   For the last three decades, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict has been one of the most significant issues in the Caucasus. The conflict started with the First Karabakh War (1988-1994),…

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Luc Wilson

Joseph Nye defined soft power as the ability to shape other actors' preferences through co-optation and attraction rather than through force or the threat of force. All major powers possess…

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Anastasia Temerko

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Punsara Amarasinghe

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Alena Poilova

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Lena Surzhko-Harned

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Sergei Scherbov

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Jeffrey Fields

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János Besenyő

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Gary Grossman

Number of posts: 1
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Zakirov Bekzod

Number of posts: 1

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